Takatsukasa Nobufusa (鷹司信房)

Nobufusa TAKATSUKASA (November 17, 1565 - January 18, 1658) was a kugyo (top court official) who lived in the era from the Azuchi-Momoyma period to the Edo period. His father was Haruyoshi NIJO. His second wife was Teruko SASA. Nobuhisa TAKATSUKASA, Nobuhira MATSUDAIRA, and Takako TAKATSUKASA (the lawful wife of Iemitsu TOKUGAWA) were his children. Kanetaka KUJO, Akizane NIJO, and Gien were his brothers. He was awarded the rank of Juichii (Junior First Rank).

Brief personal history

In 1565, he was born as a son of Haruyoshi NIJO. He became the head of the Takatsukasa family that had had no head after the death of Tadafuyu TAKATSUKASA, and restored the family. On February 20, 1589, he was awarded the rank of Juichii. He assumed Naidaijin (ministry of the Interior) (1606), Sadaijin (minister of the left) (1606 - 1608) and kanpaku (the top adviser to the emperor) (1006 - 1608) in succession. He died in 1657.

[Original Japanese]